Why Enroll in Our Programs?
Self - Paced Program
We have endless amount of content. You pick and choose which area to start with based on your goals or prior experience. You can also refer back to our lessons whenever faced with a challenge.
Simple Online Enrollment
You can easily choose programs from our academy and quickly get started with our courses which are new and relevant to the Cryptocurrency trends.
Professional Mentors
You’ll be part of our MRD community where you can ask questions to experts and professional mentors.
About MRD Crypto and Blockchain Academy
We aim to empower students to invest and make money in the Blockchain spectrum. Our courses are designed for anyone with an interest in new forms of money, particularly those involved in the financial industry, governments, central banks, and individuals involved in crypto assets in their personal capacity
Those who want to expand their working knowledge of blockchain and crypto assets to augment their role will also benefit. Professionals who already understand blockchain and digital currencies will walk away with future-focused skills that can be immediately applied within their role or business context.
Our Course Offers
Choose from our variety list of programs in our course offerings
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill